Monday, February 16, 2009

Spinning Round and Round

It's been about a month since I've written. I just have not felt like I had anything good to say. It has been such a hard month! Plenty of soul searching, praying and growing.

First of all, my Dad is really sick. It's been going on since September. Test after test, no results still. We don't want to think the worst but that is one of the few things left that has not been discovered. He is on my mind all the time. I told one of my good friends how I felt about him being sick and how our relationship has never been good and how that is affecting me. She suggested that I write him a letter since I can't seem to have a good conversation with him, which was a great idea and I will be doing that very soon. Please keep my Dad in your prayers.

My friends are so important to me.I have about a handful that I can call my good friends and I hope to never lose them! All of them have such good qualities and make me see things differently. Thank you for letting me be in your life!

I have met a lady named Maglena last week. She has touched my heart so much in such a small amount of time! She is an 86 year old that lives next to someone that I clean for. She has such a spirit about her. You look into her eyes and you see life! I took her shopping to get some clothes and she was alot of fun! We slowly shuffled around Wal-Mart looking for jammies and shirts. Very quick-witted! There is just something about her that makes me feel joy. You know she doesn't take a beautiful day for granted, or a good friend. I hope that I can be more like her. She has inspired me!

1 comment:

  1. We share that feeling: blessed with wonderful, true friends. You are one of mine! Thank you.

    You know, one of the things I enjoy about working with older people is that they really do have so much wisdom they can share with you, if you take the time to listen. I am glad you have made a new friend. I hope that when I'm 86 I can shuffle around Wal-Mart too! I would consider myself blessed to be shuffling. :)

    I am continuing to remember your dad in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hope all is well. I love you Megan!

